Monday, February 21, 2011

Danielle's Baked Kale Chips

If you haven't tried these, you are missing out!  It is impossible to pack more goodness, nutrients, crunch and flavour into every bite.  Don't be afraid of the fact that they are a) green b) healthy and c) vegetable - you would not know this unless I told you (well, besides the green part, can't do much about that!)

Danielle's Baked Kale Chips

Kale (leafs only, seperated from spine)
Olive oil
Parmesan Cheese

Preheat oven to 350C. Toss the kale in a large bowl with a couple splashes of olive oil, a couple pinches of salt and a tasteful coating of parmesan cheese.  Do not overdo it as the kale already comes packed with delicious flavours that you don't want to disguise!
Spread the kale out on a cookie sheet and pop it in the oven for approximately 10 minutes (until it gets golden brown). Be sure to keep you eyes on it so you don't burn it at the end as kale takes to heat quite fast!


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