Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Chai Tea Latte

This is what I like to make for my friends when they come over for afternoon tea and good conversation!  I haven't met anyone who didn't like this as the flavour is very rich but not too overpowering with a perfect balance of spicy, creamy and sweet.

I also find that this tea contains the secret ingredients to help inspire you with thoughts to blog about :) I like to think it works for me anyways!

Chai Tea Latte

4 cups of water
2 cups of milk (any kind you prefer, I usually use soy milk)
2 black tea bags (or any other flavour you prefer, earl grey is another fav!)
10 cardamon seeds
3 whole cloves
2 black peppercorns
Sugar or sweetener to taste
1/4 of a cinnamon stick

Boil all of the ingredients together except for milk.  Once the liquid has come to a boil, take the temperature down and let the mixture simmer for 10 minutes.  After 10 minutes, pull out the tea bags and spices.  Add milk and stir.  For a frothy texture, use a hand blender to whip all of the ingredients together and voila!  Serve in a tea cup with sprinkles of cocoa and cinnamon, if you like!

Makes 6 cups of goodness.

Cardamon Pods
(can be purchased at any grocery store)

Whole Cloves
(can be purchased at any grocery store)

Cinnamon Sticks
(can be purchased at any grocery store)

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