Friday, December 3, 2010

Danielle's Carrot Salad

Do you sometimes wonder what to do with that large bag of carrots you just brought home from the grocery store?  I wondered the same thing.  Then I discovered a whole new world in cooking with carrots!  Salads, soups, breads, stews galore!

 Danielle's Carrot Salad Recipe

5-6 carrots, washed and grated
1/2 c of raisins
1/2 c of chopped cilantro
1/3 c of olive oil
splash of lemon juice
dash of salt, pepper, cumin, cinnamon and nutmeg to taste

Mix all of the above ingredients together.  You may want to change the proportions according to your personal taste, this is just what worked for me.  It is a very simple recipe but oh so tasty!

Danielle's Carrot Salad

     (will post more carrot recipes soon so stay tuned!)

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