Sunday, December 12, 2010

Natural Handwipes/Babywipes

In my efforts to save money, good health and the environment, I thought I would make my own handwipes.  I don't think these can be any easier to make!  What you need to do is fold dry paper towels like an accordian so that they are still linked together which makes it easy to pull out of the box or bag.  Then you put the paper towels into either an old baby wipes container (with a pop open lid) or a plastic ziploc bag (for the diaper bag).  In a seperate cup, mix approximately 1 cup of water with 1 tbsp olive oil and any essential oil (I use lavender as it is also antiseptic) of your choice.  Pour this mixture into the bag or container with the paper towels and there you have your own hand wipes!

These are especially great for babies not only becuase they contain zero chemicals but also because the essentials oils provide a therapeutic relief!  (I will post more about essential oils specifically!)

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